Acupuncture for your feet

Acupuncture Services in Banbridge, Dundalk and Dublin

An image of a chiropodist using acupuncture on someones foot

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient therapy. Studies have shown it to be highly beneficial in the treatment of foot and leg conditions.
The acupuncture techniques used at all of the John Collins Footcare Clinics are known as 'modern' or 'western' acupuncture. Acupuncture may be used as all or part of your chiropody treatment.
In this procedure, sterile, disposable needles are inserted at individually determined points of the body where they are left for a few minutes. Pain in the foot and ankle frequently responds to acupuncture.

What Can Acupuncture Help?

An icon depicting a foot

Planter Fasciitis

Planter Digital Neuritis

Restless legs

Heel pain

Arthritic joint pain

Post fracture pain

Morton's Neuroma

Shin splints

Stiff joints & muscles

Get In Touch With Us

For Chiropody Services In Banbridge, Dundalk and Dublin